If a company comes to you and makes recommendations about your own company without doing a complete analysis.....RUN!
How does a company make recommendations on how they can help you, before they have:
A) talked to you in depth about where you see yourself as a company on and off line. In addition, discovered what your over all vision and goals are as an entity.
B) Done the research to substantiate OR debunk your own claims
C) After A and B are completed, presented objective analysis
Only after completing A,B and C, can any credible outfit create with you a sound strategy with various ideas and price points to execute the strategy in a reasonable amount of time.
The first part of any business recommendation, be it for Marketing, Advertising, Financial commitment, or hiring, etc is analysis. Analysis of any situation will tell you where you are, how you got there, and what to do next. Any ideas presented before real analysis are usually faulty and doomed to failure.
Analysis first, Strategy second. Just my thoughts...would love to know yours.
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